Michela Povoleri


lastest projects


info graphics


pdf portfolio 2012
pdf portfolio 2010


Icograda Design Education Manifesto 2011 is the fruit of two years of study and research
involving key world players from the design education sector. It arose from the need
to update the first Icograda Design Education Manifesto, 10 years after its publication in 2000,
and it is created for the directors of university programmes and educators around the world.

Designed at Fabrica, creative director: Omar Vulpinari. Images by Emanuele Tortora (Fabrica).
The book concept was inspired by the Manifesto's mandate to bridge east and west, north and south.
The book imitates an arrow, which, when pointed north in Taipei, shows the location of each author.
In each opening of the 22 issues the titles turn around following geographical location.



A notebooks serie inspired by the Pick two triangle.
Developed for the Mobile Museum Exhibition with title "Future", curated by
Dean Brown and Philip Bone. Helsinki, 2011, Design Museum.
Thinking about the Future, as in the pick two theory, you cannot have all the three elements
together so "just pick two!" I realized 5 small notebooks, regarding different topics, these
are my triangles: (Future, Me, You / Future, cars, oil / Future, Humans, Machines /
Future, America, China / Future, 2012, Maya )
2 copies, home binded, 2011.



Gruppo dell'amicizia, Vicenza. This volunteering gruop was found in 1981 to help families
and difficult persons to find some joyfull moments and cares. In 2011 they celebrate the
30th anniversary of their activities. For them I designed an invitation card to the big celebrative party.
The front card presented an "30" outline, during their summer camp idiots and their tutors
decorated these cards to obtain 200 different invitation cards with authors' signatures.

In the october 2011, to celebrate the anniversary we also published a book.
The book is a collections of stories and anedcotes by people that have been part of the group
and its activities during these decades. Page numbers and autors of short texts go toghether
at the bottom of the pages, the is no index, just a sort of "counting" the undered of persons
that have partecipated to the project and the group in those years. Coloured pages chapters
present the main activities through a selection of pictures collected during all this time.



Folio Magazine. Covers and identity for a fake literature magazine for the movie Oslo, 31 August
by Joachin Trier. The main carachter, lives 24h in Oslo, after has been in jale. During the movie
he goes to the Folio Magazine office for a Job interview.
The cover system is based on the classical index of literature pocketbooks.
Developed as first assignement at NODE Berlin Oslo during my intership, 2010.



“The solution was to turn copyright rightside left: what had been an obstacle to free reproduction became the prime guarantee of it.”
Wu Ming 1, Copyleft Explained To Children Clearing Our Minds of Misunderstandings,
Il Mucchio selvaggio #526, 25 March 2003

Copyright and copyleft are situated in the center of several concentric circles. Situated in the middle of different subjects and interests: author’s rights, public’s rights, development of shared knowledge, economic market, publishers, distributors...
The user is invited to experience and be witness of a switch in prospective, towards a new way to consider the roles of author and reader. The reader, invited to discover the content of the big “C”, the copyright logo, flipping through some pages, finds out a new possible point of view. The end of his reading experience shows him a new physical situation: the two circles in the background now reveal the copyleft logo (the mirrored “C”).
The inner spreads describe this theorical and physical turnover. Each page contains an image inspired by a word of the quotation (turn, rightside, obstacle, free, prime, guarantee). These images are selected from Wikimedia Commons, they are all copyright free thanks to different right's situations. In this way, the reader could have a sample of some cases about author’s rights.
Linux Libertine Typeface, used in this publication, is a computer font open source and free software; it is dual licensed under the GPL and the OFL. It was created by the Libertine Open Fonts Project, which aims to create free and open alternatives to commercial fonts like Times Roman. It was developed with the free font editor FontForge.

Collective exhibition Take part to ideas curated by Melissa Destino. Bologna, september 2010.



Graduation thesis project. The Berlage Institute as an example of cultural client in the Netherlands.
Collection of projects from different designers who collaborated with the Institute
(LUST, Karel Martens, Catalogtree and Niels Schrader) and a series of 5 interviews to indagate
the relationships between designers and clients in the Netherlands.


Dummies for an editorial system for the Berlage Institute, Rotterdam.
Made during the intership at LUST, winter 2009/2010.

berlage cahier

berlage cahier

berlage cahier


The content is the digital text of communication (mails, chat) between me and the other organizators.
Printed in chronological order on printed sheets tests collected during the realization of the whole project.

particolare universale booklet

particolare universale booklet

particolare universale booklet

particolare universale booklet

particolare universale booklet


Booklet about a typographic installation. 2008.



Booklet Border. Light and dark research. Karel Martens' workshop. 2009.



Monographic book about John Heartfield. 2009.

Second edition, one book version.

john heartfield book

john heartfield book

john heartfield book

john heartfield book

john heartfield book

john heartfield book


