Michela Povoleri


lastest projects


info graphics


pdf portfolio 2012
pdf portfolio 2010


Poster design and titles design for "Vanish", film by Davide Cairo and Daniel Schwarz.
Experimental short film produced by Fabrica. Generative graphics by Daniel Schwarz, based on the sound track.


Vanish title

Vanish Daniel Schwartz



Poster and titles design for "De Versicoloribus Naturalium Ludis", a film by Artem Ludyankov.
Procuced by Fabrica. Logo design by Arianna Di Betta



Poster design for the music videoclip of "Ocean Blue" by Rae Spoon. Directed by Chelsea Macmullan.
Poster design, and video titles design. Handwritten logo design by Arianna Di Betta.

My favourite proposal was:



Poster design proposal for the short movie "Dirty Tony" directed by Daniela Ciavarelli.
Designed at Fabrica, 2011.



Poster proposal for the movie "Oslo 31 August" by the norwegian director Yoachiem Trier.
The design is inspired by the one day page calender. All the movie shows the story of
that single day.

Oslo 31 August



DVD cover and identity for the documentary movie HOME & AWAY.
A emigrant movie by Birgitte Larsen and Itonje Søimer Guttormsen. Oslo, 2011.


Flyer/Poster for Munan Øvrelid at UKS, Oslo. 2010. Developed during the intership
at NODE Berlin Oslo, Oslo. The artist asked me a "newspaper look" for the inside, to set
the long text about the exhibition that was actually an article.


Packaging and mini-poster for Playing The Ducal Palace. Interective, video and musical project.
Isia Urbino / Weerkplaats Typographie, Summer school 2009.



Poster for the Isia exhibition Particolare Universale.
Research about the identity of a natural park. 2009.



Homage to John Heartfield. Poster for the exhibition Grafici per la Democrazia at Isia Urbino. 2009.



Series of posters for the new Identity of Isia Urbino. Workshop with Paula Scher. 2009.



Homage to Ahn Sang Soo. Invitation and poster for an exhibition. 2007.

ahn sang soo



Typographic pages for "Illywords", international pubblication. Issue about Listening.
Pages dedicated to fonetic alphabet. In collaboration with Leonardo Sonnoli, coordinator of
all the images for the Issue. Other works from Luna Castroni, Stefano Faoro, Caterina Giuliani,
Emilio Macchia, Elena Papassissa, Erica Preli e Muge Yilmaz. Summer 2009.

bayer phonetic

visible speech



Poster of an exhibition about 9 books that tell the story of 9 graphic designers
politically committed during the Second World War. 2009.

Set of poster for the exhibition "Grafici per la democrazia"



Sketches for event's posters for the Berlage Institute, Rotterdam. At LUST studio, Den Haag, winter 2009/2010.
Lectures dedicated to the german architect Ludwing Hilberseimer.

Berlage Institute poster

berlage Institute poster


