Michela Povoleri


lastest projects


info graphics


pdf portfolio 2012
pdf portfolio 2010


Hand binding is one of my hobby and interest. I love to use scratch paper or recycling paper to make books
and notebooks. At the end of a project, I like to fold and bind together sketches and printing proofs to reassemble
contents in new random ways. Not designed spreads are sometimes surprisingly interesting.
New relations come out from these unpredictable combinations. Order and orientation of content lose their
original sense to trigger new pure aesthetic interpretations.

shuffle notebook coversshuffle notebook 2
shuffle notebooks


Re-design of old printed paper, misprints, proof's prints, old paper packagings and other stuffs.
I used recycled paper that I found in the school o in my place to build new notebooks.

Notebooks of re-used paper. Cover by paper shopping bags.

re used paper

reused paper book

re used paper notebook


reused paper bag

recycling paper


Random re-used papers notebooks. Christmas gifts for my friends.

reused paper notebooks


New sketchbooks. My cityguide for Oslo/Berlin and a collection of some sketches from
the intern job at NODE Berlin Oslo.


Small notebooks. Soup's series with dutch packaging of cup's soup.

soup books


From the packaging of cooking product.


Using old train tickets. Travel notebooks.


Re-design of a typographical booklet about John Heartfield photomontage.


Biult with proof's print of a book about the workshop Freedom and order, Urbino 2008.
An exhibition of the projects of Karel Martens, Armand Mevis, Peter Bilak, Maureen Moreen.





